Control & Preventions of Rodents
GENERAL INFORMATION Commensal (domestic) rodents live in close association with humans. These commensal rodents are nocturnal and tend to move indoors to warmer areas during late fall or early winter and return to the outdoors in late spring or early summer, or remain indoors if food and suitable harborage are available. Commensal rodents generally have poor sense of vision, but they have acute sense of smell, touch, and taste. They tend to gnaw through any material that is softer than their enamel, and they are generally good climbers, jumpers, swimmers and burrowers. There are three species of domestic rodents: TYPE OF RODENTS DESCRIPTION ROOF RAT ( Rattus rattus ) Alias: Black Rat/Tree Rat Roof rat is slender and agile, and Its tail is longer than the head and body lengths combined. Its total length may reach 12 to 17 ¾ inches and can weigh up to about ¾ of a pound. Roof rat nests above ground and lives in ivy, wild blackbe...